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Women’s Day Celebration-2022

by harsh

This world always has something like this is men’s job and women’s job. Construction industries also falls in that category. When girls choose such profession especially civil or mechanical without following the herd. They are answerable to aunties and uncle who does not even know what is this all about?

After completing degree, with answering those questions and weird looks its quite difficult to get a job in this, then other fields. So, they should have courage to cross the rough sea even to start a career. We have such mighty women with us in our company. We are so happy to celebrate this women’s day with them.

On Women’s Day, a separate team was organised to do the decoration and handle the events. All of them was surprised to see the new look of the office. The day started with a happy note by wishing all the women’s Happy Women’s Day.

We had a celebration with cutting a cake and snacks distribution. An Event was also there, where everyone of us was asked to say a few words about the inspiring women in their life. So, we came to know about so many inspiring women and how they handled that situation.

Our Employee Nirmala who narrated her journey from where she started and how she faced the obstacles was remarkable one among all. So, we have written her inspiring journey as blog so that you may also inspired from it. And we are marching towards a vision of reaching 50% of our human resources with women. We hope soon we reach it and be a wings to them, to fly high.